Family life on LA's Westside


Goodwill Encourages Spring Clean-Up through Campaign: Donate Stuff-Create Jobs

I’m very excited about my new WoodTrac closet — custom designed for my son’s walk-in with shelves, drawers, cubbies and compartments.  While the storage options are terrific, no closet system can work miracles.  I had to downsize my son’s over abundance of toys, junk bins, t00-small costumes and clothes he has outgrown or plainly will not wear.

Goodwill to the rescue!  Not only does donating to Goodwill help clear out needed space, it helps others, so I used the opportunity as a teachable moment with my son.  We got boxes and bags and began sorting.  I personally go by the two-year rule, where if you have not used or worn an item in two years its time to toss.  For my sentimental son, who even more than I finds it hard to let go of his baby toys, it took some coaxing to get him to give up his pull toys, trains, action figures and old books.


When my son heard that children who don’t have many toys or clothes would benefit from his, he was much more eager to share his wealth of things.  He much prefers to know that his toys will go to a good home than end up in a trash can in the alley — thank you Toy Story 3 for that nightmare incinerator scene!

At the age of six my son doesn’t quite understand the concept of job creation, but this aspect of the project had special impact on me, considering I struggled after being laid off for many months, and I any contribution I can make to bolster our economy and also help those who have been impacted financially by it like I was feels empowering, especially in a situation where often people feel helpless.

By the end of the day, we had decluttered by about three boxes and four bags of goods, and it was off to the neighborhood Goodwill drop-off site about a half mile from our home.  My son came with me to unload, and as always the workers there were friendly and appreciative.


Not only was the entire experience positive and easy, the end result was a huge improvement in organization in my son’s closet.  It was such as liberating feeling that I have now made a schedule to gradually clear out all of my closets, cabinets and shed.  For motivation and ideas, Goodwill has many resources available, such as this video Goodwill Donate Stuff Create Jobs.

Goodwill also offers these tips for spring cleaning and has launched a campaign: Donate Stuff. Create Jobs, which is the tagline of the Ad Council campaign with Goodwill®.

Goodwill is encouraging everyone to participate, if they like, in #7DaysofSpringCleaning by urging people to focus on cleaning different areas of their home for seven consecutive days. Inspire your readers to get a fresh start too:

Day 1) Clear your closet clutter

Day 2) Time to tackle the kitchen

Day 3) Spread holiday cheer (holiday decorations, center pieces, Halloween)

Day 4) Downsize your tech toys (used laptops)

Day 5) Clean out your office supplies

Day 6) Provide quality entertainment (unused movies, video games)

Day 7) Downsize your bookshelf

If freeing up space in one closet makes me feel this good, I can’t wait until I have completed the Goodwill treatment on my entire house!