Family life on LA's Westside

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting Giveaway!

When I saw the billboard for What to Expect When You’re Expecting, I wasn’t sure what to make of it.  Of course, like every pregnant woman, I had read the book.  But a movie?  It was more of an educational resource book than a narrative story, so how would that translate on screen?  We’ll, if you saw the movie in theatres (and for those who didn’t, you get a second chance when the DVD comes out  September 11) you know that the movie, just like the book, is an accurate, truthful, hilarious, tear-jerking account of pregnancy.

As Jennifer Lopez, who stars in the movie as “Rosie,” says about the book, “I think every pregnant couple – every pregnant woman reads it.  It was so accurate about everything that was happening every step of the way.”

It’s true!  According to USA Today, 93% of all pregnant mothers who read a pregnancy guide read What To Expect When You’re Expecting.

So, if you’re expecting, or in the first year of child rearing, or raising a toddler, get you must read the baby Bible, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, now in its 4rth edition; plus, once you’ve had the baby, there are two sequels: What to Expect in the First Year, and What to Expect the Second Year – from 12 to 24 Months.”

So if you’ve learned that you are expecting (or you have a little one), I have good news!  I am giving away free copies of each of these books!

To enter, just become a friend on the Facebook page for our sister blog, Out with Mommy, or follow Out with Mommy on Twitter and message or tweet about the book you would most enjoy.  Winners will be selected randomly using

It’s easy! 

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Also, feel free to post this giveaway on your blog (leave the link to your post)

This giveaway will end Monday, September 9 at 9 PST. Good luck to everyone!